Friday, December 27, 2019

5 Ways Employers Compare Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

5 Ways Employers Compare Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile5 Ways Employers Compare Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile6Years ago, your resume was the one and only way for potential employers to get to know who you were professionally. As such, what you wrote on your resume was taken at its word- literally. Today, there are a plethora of ways in which an employer can check out the information listed on a resume. The big one LinkedIn. Thats why its important that the info on your resume and LinkedIn profile match up.According to a recent CareerRealism article, there are 4 Things Employers Look for in LinkedIn and Resume Comparison. We added a fifth one, too Read on to see if your resume and LinkedIn profile are in sync.The people you have in common. If youre looking for a job within the same industry as your previous work experience, chances are that your potential employer and you will have colleagues and friends in common. So if youre claiming to have oodles of experience in your career field but you dont have any of the same connections on your LinkedIn profile as your anfhrer-to-be (or worse, you have only a handful of connections, total), its a huge red flag that youre stretching the truth.Your expertise. On your resume, you wrote that youve held management-level positions at almost every place youve worked at. On LinkedIn, however, you dont make any mention of this. Superior skills deserve to be showcased, and if youre not doing so on LinkedIn (which is a huge arena to broadcast your professional accomplishments to the world), it can look shady at best.Your previous employment. Sure, you worked for X Company- but for only six months. Prospective employers will check the companies you worked for, who you reported to, what your responsibilities were, and yes, how long you worked there. Make koranvers that all of that info matches up. If you left a previous job under bad circumstances or were only there for a short amount of time, you might consider leaving it off of your resume and LinkedIn profile altogether. Just be sure that you cover any employment gaps on your resume.Your education.You wanted to go to Harvard. But so-so high school grades and a lack of funds directed you towards community college instead. Dont fudge your education or schools attended on your resume- or online. Even if you didnt score an Ivy League education, that shouldnt stop you from including where you did go to school and what you achieved there. After all, what youve done post-graduation in terms of work experience and skills learned can more than make up for iffy SAT scores.What you write in your blog posts. Savvy job seekers know that writing a blog post is a good way of attracting a potential boss. Not only does it let people learn a little more about them in a more personalized way, but it has the added effect of vouching for whats written on your resume.For example, you might write about trends in your industry. What you write will reveal your education level (i.e., is your grammar and vocabulary up to par?), your previous employers (i.e., if you reference past work experiences), your expertise (i.e., if you share how you think things should be done according to how youve done them in the past), and the people you have in common (i.e., if you reference an old boss in your blog post).When youre applying for a job, you have to know that a prospective boss will do a lot of digging online to find out as much about you as possible. While they will definitely check out the more social of the social media channels- like Facebook and Pinterest- your LinkedIn profile is perhaps the number one site they will scrutinize to ensure that your resume is real. So push yourself to the top of the interview list by making sure that your resume and your LinkedIn profile match exactly- all the time.Readers, do your resume and LinkedIn profile match? Let us know in the comments below

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Free Online Advertising

Free Online AdvertisingFree Online AdvertisingIf youre a business owner, there are a number of ways to get the word out about your products or tafelgeschirrs to people who want to buy them without spending a lot of money- or any at all. Free erreichbar advertising techniques can come in handy when youre in the departureup phase and dont have much, if any, money to spend on absatzwirtschaft. Theyre also great for testing new ideas since you may not want to risk your money on something unproven. These methods can help you generate leads, build your email list, get direct sales, contact previous customers to get them to buy again, and more on various digital channels. But although they can be effective, but its important to consider both the pros and cons before deciding if free online advertising methods are a good fit for your business. ProsA cost-effective way to connect with potential clientsGreat for testing new business ideasConsCan be very time-consumingRisk of low return on inve stment (time and effort) Now that you know some of the pros and cons, lets take a look at some of the top free methods to promote your business online. Facebook Marketing The great thing is that you can do it for free. You can join Facebook and even start a business page on Facebook for at no cost so you can interact with your customers. Its the ultimate free online advertising method. Some best practices Post regularlyOffer useful informationAsk questionsInclude special offers, sales, and discountsInclude links back to your website and/or ecommerce storePost photos and videos that grab attentionUse advanced features such as tracking pixels and retargeting One of the fruchtwein important practices is to engage with your audience. If one of your followers asks a question or comments on a deutsche post dhl, be sure to reply right away. After youve gotten some good results with free Facebook marketing methods youll want to expand into paid advertising opportunities as well. YouT ube Marketing With YouTube you can join and post videos related to your business for free. Best practices here are to offer useful advice and information, or offer a strong point of view. It could be a how-to video related to your niche or a video of your product in action, for example. Always fill out the description with details about your business, as well as a link back to your website (be sure to include http// so that your link is clickable). Include that in the video too- in fact, add a call to action at the end of your video encouraging people to visit your website for more information. If youre creating videos and uploading them to YouTube you should upload them directly to Facebook as well. While youre at it, add the video to your blog, too. LinkedIn Marketing If your product or service would help business owners or companies- a business-to-business (B2B) type of product- you should also be active on LinkedIn. Here, you can network with potential customers and post li nks to articles and other resources. Its a great way to get the word out about your business. Again, its free online advertising. They key to really leveraging LinkedIn is to make personal connections and develop real relationships with people that can potentially turn into business leads, sales, or referrals. If youre a great networker offline then LinkedIn will magnify your networking abilities by a huge factor. Forum and Facebook Group Marketing Although Facebook has stolen a bit of the thunder of forums, forum marketing istotenstill a great way to interact with prospect and customers. A forum is an online discussion group about a specific niche or industry. The idea here is that you join the forum and read through past posts. Get an idea of what people are talking about and the issues that are concerning them. You can start posting your take on the issue, offer advice and useful information, and in general be an active participant. The next step is delicate. You dont want to just start posting links and ads to your website and products. The forum folks will consider it spam and might even ban you. Instead, include a link to your website in your profile and signature. You could even make casual links and mentions to in some of your posts to your product or your website. But dont be salesy or pushy no matter what you do. Getting listed on popular social sites like Reddit could also be a great way to drive traffic to your website and turn some free online advertising into real sales. Reddit has very specific categories, or sub-Reddits, dealing with just about any interest or niche you can think. Again, join the discussion and link to your product once youve been around awhile and people know you. All of the above advice can be applied to Facebook Groups, which is a great free marketing method as well. Blog Marketing Another great way to engage in free online advertising is to start a blog. You can include text content, photos, and videos about importa nt topics in your niche. Offer useful advice and information, like how-to tips, news about your industry, and more. The important thing with a blog is to post regularly, several times a week isthe best-case scenario (if youre really limited in time or dont like writing then try to commit to an at least once weekly schedule or outsource your content). Youll grow your blog audience by posting your blog on social media, mentioning it in forums, and, once youve been at it awhile, youll get free traffic through search engine optimization as your site sits higher in the Google rankings. The blog will help people get to know you and your business (and its products and/or services). Youll become a trusted authority in your niche. And that, eventually, will turn your blog visitors into paying customers. Once you have a bit of experience and a track record, you can also offer to do guest blog posts on other peoples blogs. The blog should be in a related niche, since you want to make sure the audience is interested in what you have to say. Again, you can include a link to your own blog or website. Of course, you will have to reciprocate by letting others do guest posts on your blog. A final note on blogging Any time you post new content be sure to use all the methods above to promote your new content. Podcast Marketing Podcasts are a very popular way for entrepreneurs to get exposure andfree online advertising. You can even make money with a podcast. You can start your own podcast and/or appear on the podcasts of others. It could be as simple as you talking into a microphone with your thoughts on your niche. You could offer advice, answer questions that come in via email- the sky is the limit. If you appear on somebody elses podcast you could do an interview. In either case, always make sure to tell listeners how to find you online so they can check out your website. Make your podcast available for download on your blog and/or website, as well as on the major podcast services like Apples iTunes. Your podcast should, of course, be a free download. Check out these top podcasts that entrepreneurs listen to if you want to see examples of how its done. Article Marketing Content marketing is another great channel for free online advertising. You can submit articles for posting consideration to websites like,, and more. In order to be accepted, the article should be well-written, useful, and about a topic in your niche. Once you get on the radar of their editors, you can be published multiple times. In this way, you can get your name out there and build your authority as an expert in your niche- snd you can include a link back to your site. One thing to keep in mind is that you dont necessarily have to be published on a major media website to have success. You can and should target smaller niched publications, websites, and blogs that reach your target audience. The audience will be smaller but can be much more responsiv e. Once youve started to drive traffic and generate sales online youll seriously want to consider expanding into paid advertising opportunities to reach even a larger audience more quickly.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Employee Termination from an IT Perspective

Employee Termination from an IT PerspectiveEmployee Termination from an IT PerspectiveLetting an employee go can be a dirty job, but the IT department must help do it - always if youre smart. It is necessary to involve IT in the employee termination process because a former employee who still has access to a companys network and proprietary corporate data is a security threat. In the majority of terminations, the former employees would never think of harming your computer systems, but why take the chance that you may have run into the one bad egg? Moreover, it is smart to conserve certain technological resources, data, and logs if the former employee or the company itself decides to pursue litigation. Finally, it is essential to integrate IT into the process to help ensure that employee termination controls are comprehensive enough to meet relevant Sarbanes-Oxley requirements. Information security and data retention policies must be company-specific and tailored to the laws under whi ch your company operates. 3 IT Principles Companies Need to Address Nevertheless, there are at least three broad IT principles to which a company should adhere to when and after terminating an employee. Prompt notification of the termination to the IT department - even a heads up in advance of the termination meeting is appreciated so IT can bar access while the meeting is taking place.Every company should have a strictly enforced policy that clearly states who is to notify whom when someones employment is ending or has ended. This policy should also mandate that these notifications are given immediately so all of the departments involved can take prompt action.An information security contact should be among those who are notified, and this persons responsibilities should entail researching, documenting, and revoking an employees access to the companys electronically stored proprietary information and its information systems. Prudent revocation of access. Once notified, IT is re sponsible for immediate revocation of access and preserving any records that the company might need now or in the future. What to Do When Employment Is Terminated In the case of a terminated employee, IT should immediately revoke all computer, network, and data access the former employee has. Remote access should also be removed, and the former employee should be dispossessed of all company-owned property, including technological resources like a notebook computer and intellectual property like corporate files containing customer, sales, and marketing information. However, in the case of an employee whose end of employment is only imminent, IT should consult with the employees manager, HR, and other key decision-makers to determine the appropriate manner in which to stagger the revocation of access over the persons remaining days of employment. Just as the granting of access and security clearances should be documented for future reference, the revocation of access should also be documented, especially for legal purposes. The goal, of course, should always be to revoke access in ways that make good business sense financially, technologically, and legally. Preemptive Preservation of Data Every company needs to have data redundancy and retention policies that satisfy its business needs and adhere to applicable laws. Such policies address the backup, restoration, and preservation of corporate data in general. However, a company should also enact policies that detail when and how IT should go about preserving potentially and particularly sensitive data, records, logs, and other materials that could be of legal significance, should the company and former employee to wage a legal battle. It is especially important to do this in the case of a former employee who held a high-level position or left the company under a cloud of suspicion. The appropriation and application of these three principles should be the collective work of the companys executive staff, IT a nd HR departments, and legal counsel that specializes in computer forensics and the laws governing the companys use of computing technology. The results of this cooperative effort should be greater protection of corporate data as well as better preparedness for litigation regarding corporate data theft, hacking, and other forms of illegal or ill-advised uses of computing technology. Working with IT as a valued partner guarantees that these goals are achieved in the event of an employment termination. ??

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How Taking a Temporary Job Impacts Unemployment

How Taking a Temporary Job Impacts UnemploymentHow Taking a Temporary Job Impacts UnemploymentWorking as a temporary worker is a great way to earn extra money when youre out of work and short on cash. Temp roles can serve as an opportunity to test out a new market or job role when the applicant may leid have enough experience for a full-time position. Temporary work can also be a great way for unemployed individuals to make a positive impression upon an employer and consequently be hired for a more permanent job in the future. However, most unemployed workers are financially strapped and fear losing their unemployment benefits if they take on a temporary or contract position. How a Temporary Job How Impacts Unemployment Benefits What happens if you accept a temporary job while receiving unemployment benefits? States have vastly different policies on how temporary employment is handled, so you should contact your state unemployment office for a definitive answer on the impact on y our benefits. Reduction or Elimination of Unemployment BenefitsIn general, your unemployment benefits will typically be reduced or eliminated during the period of your temporary work depending on the level of pay for your temp job. If you earn less than the amount of your unemployment benefits, you will usually mucksmuschenstill be entitled to the difference between your temp pay and the amount of your unemployment benefits. For example, if you earn $200 and are entitled to $400 in unemployment benefits, you will still receive $200 of unemployment compensation. However, if you earn $400 or more in that temp job, then your benefits would be suspended. When the temporary job ends, you should be able to either continue your existing unemployment claim or open a new claim depending on your eligibility. If your benefit period has expired, you will need to reapply for unemployment. Your benefits will generally be based on the preceding period of temporary work. State employment laws vary, so temporary employees may still qualify for unemployment benefits once the temp job has been completed. Eligibility for Unemployment Benefits After Temporary Work Eligibility for unemployment benefits are based on several factors, such as the duration of the employment, the wages earned, and the reason for the unemployment and/or reduced hours. So long as you are unemployed due to no fault of your own (also known as termination for cause) and you are actively seeking work, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. Job seekers must, however, accept any suitable employment, so turning down an opportunity can disqualify them from claiming benefits. Similar to temp workers, seasonal workers are employed for short, specific times of the year due to weather-related or tourist-related industries. In Massachusetts, Colorado, ?and Pennsylvania, seasonal workers cannot apply for unemployment benefits unless they were laid off or made redundant during the extent of their working sea son. Independent contractors cannot claim unemployment benefits like temp and full-time workers may. Independent contractors are considered self-employed, and therefore, are not employees. Only employees can claim unemployment benefits, a subtle but important difference between these different types of employment. Temporary Work and Total Unemployment Benefits The amount of compensation you can receive through unemployment benefits are calculated based on your wages during a 12-15 month period leading up to your first day of unemployment. This time frame is considered the base period. It is advantageous to maintain employment regularly during this period, as it lowers the total amount, which lessens your eligible compensation rate. Check the details of how to handle it with your state unemployment office. Quitting a Temporary Job If you quit a temporary job without a just cause, you will generally not be eligible to resume benefits. If you complete the term of your temporary work, you will often be able to resume unemployment benefits as long as your benefit period hasnt expired. Accepting Suitable Employment Some states have suitable work requirements, which require unemployed workers to accept a position which is considered suitable. What is considered suitable employment varies from state to state, so check with your state unemployment office before turning down a job offer even if its for a temporary or contract job rather than a permanent position. In general, suitable work is determined by compensation, working conditions, health and ability, required skills, and commuting distance. In some states, union workers registered with local hiring halls are considered exempt from these suitable work requirements. The information contained in this article is not legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your own states laws or the most recent cha nges to the law.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Top Good Resume Words Reviews!

Top Good Resume Words Reviews The History of Good Resume Words Refuted Some folks utilize the term advance or upgrade. There are lots of cover letter certain sites that offer important details on cover letter writing and strategies to writer better, professional cover letters for different kinds of jobs. Lets hope youll think that its good. If youre applying to 10 general litigation openings, one particular version might be just fine. Along with being attentive to the requirements of consumers, being a great listener will help you be more attentive to the requirements of your fellow employees. Your capacity to listen helps them understand that youre customer focused. Characteristics of Good Resume Words Most employers are interested in finding job candidates having the essential skill sets and proper work and educational backgrounds. Even in situations where a recruiter may look at a resume the very first time, you would like your resume to be readily found once its ente red in the database, she states. Hiring managers will be elated to learn you dont require extra training. They are aware that employees that betreuung each other, are vital to the success of the company. Dont forget, the CV is an exceptional means to demonstrate to prospective employers or recruiters what kind of employee youre, your attitude to work and, most significantly, your focus to detail CVs should not be written in third individual. Employers understand that a specific amount of training is going to be involved, but they are interested in finding employees who will choose the initiative to learn what should be learned above and beyond what theyre told. Applicants are somewhat more confident to reject work offer in place of a better one. Below are lots of top notch Good Adjectives For Resume pics on the web. Good Resume Words Options The very first and most important point to consider is that any prospective employer will hire you to help themselves, not to aid you. Another important consideration to consider is to relate the way your previous experiences would benefit the target company. One of the greatest things you can do is use metrics. The tried-and-true resume tropes of old no longer create the cut in the modern competitive sector. The Good, the Bad and Good Resume Words You would like the main stuff to jump off the page, but every hundertprozentig on your resume should serve the role of showing that youre the very best candidate for the particular job. On a number of these lists you will see the words Assisted and Helped. The word is extremely subjective. The words within this list arent all interchangeable synonyms. Theres a chance, however excellent you believe your grammar to be, you will earn a mistake on your CV. The very last thing you would like to display on a document intended to dazzle an employer is a scarcity of original thought. You wish to carefully select good resume words that paint an image of your abilities. The words you decide to utilize in your resume are a central way to demonstrate your strengths. After that, give a particular quantitative case of a goal you met in a former position. When you express your urge to accomplish company targets, instead of merely personal objectives, youre perceived as a candidate that could grow and develop. Occasionally its better to enable the accomplishment speak for itself. Try to remember that the purpose of a resume is to secure you a work interview. The opening paragraph on a resume can be a quick collection of objectives you want to obtain in the class of your career or while employed in a specific job. You ought to be realistic in your skill set, as in the auffhrung that you exaggerate your experience and techniques, you are going to have to justify them at the interview. Writing a strong resume is among the most essential measures in the work search procedure, executive cramming all the theirs experience, services and education into on e document can be tough and stressful. Now, how can you service the focus that you want to earn. A willingness to learn is likewise an indication which you know the value of adapting to new conditions. For example, you can use diligent to demonstrate your love of a work well done, dedicated to demonstrate your passion, motivation and willingness, and confident to clearly show your understanding of yourself and your ability to accomplish any task without hesitating or being afraid. Steer clear of the phrase experienced nurse because it could just indicate youve been working at the exact location for too long. Use the resume words below to demonstrate that with a tiny zest.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What to Look for When Hiring an Office Manager - Spark Hire

What to Look for When Hiring an Office Manager - Spark HireAn office manager is an essential part of keeping your business running smoothly. While many entrepreneurs start off trying to fill this role themselves, eventually as your company grows it becomes clear that additional help is necessary. All parts of your business flow through the office manager, so making a smart hiring choice for this role is essential. Part harte nuss solver and part guidance counselor, your office manager will need to wear many hats in order to be successful. When youre ready to add an office manager to your team, heres what you should knowFind someone who takes pride in the businessAn office manager will need to be involved in nearly all aspects of the business. They will play an essential role in keeping the company moving forward. Therefore, your office manager should have a true sense of pride about the company. When an office manager believes in their company and values the work they do, theyre more effective in their job. This mindset trickles down to the other employees in your organization.Seek out someone with strong communication skillsOffice managers need to communicate successfully with a number of different types of people, including vendors, upper-level management, and new hires. From getting the printer fixed to sending out a memo about a promotion, the right office manager can do it all. They will be able to work with all kinds of people in a respectful and clear manner. Additionally, they should have strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as plenty of patience.An office manager needs to have an understanding about how various aspects of the business workEven if the office manager doesnt technically work in the sales, accounting, or HR departments, this individual should have a general understanding of what it takes to keep these parts of the business running. An office managers decisions can have a direct impact on these departments, so an apprecia tion for what their co-workers rely on to be successful in their jobs is important.Office managers also have a significant impact on the morale of the business. Hire someone who appreciates this and takes this responsibility seriously. You want to find an office manager who is constantly looking for ways to bring employees closer together, creating a sense of unity at work. Truly talented office managers are constantly organizing company softball games, happy hours, or potluck lunches in order to boost camaraderie at work, which increases productivity and employee happiness.Image monkeybusinessimages/